My new title is volunteer. I use my days now to volunteer for myself which is quite a new concept for me. I spend my days exploring, wandering, wondering, studying, searching, researching...being. Yesterday I had my first visit with my Tools for Transition counselor, Irene. I realized while chatting with my career transition coach that I actually know more about myself than I was giving myself credit for. After we set up a date in June to get down to the nitty gritty job search plan, I made a list of avenues explored, my strengths and preferences and emailed it off to her. Turns out, without being aware, I've been keeping a diary/log of what I do each day. It has become my checklist of things to do and things to know I've accomplished. With scribbled boxes and big check marks, I feel like I'm actually volunteering for myself. Previously, I would have thought of this as working for myself; however, I'm not paying myself so I really must call it volunteering. It begs the question, When have I ever spent time for myself...honestly, I have not! I've spent my life serving, volunteering, and working for others.
So, after the call yesterday I explored the Tools for Transition website, printed off the resources, and finished reading email. This led to exploring the MAT online program from USC an investigation of working toward ESL certification with a thought of teaching abroad some day. Then, I was off to play MahJongg. I've found it is important to separate myself from this "volunteer" work as it can become overwhelming to have so much freedom. During the MJ game at the market, my friends and I discussed employment opportunities locally and beyond. How encouraging to know I have some local friends in my support and search network!
After the game, I headed to the library where I spent several hours looking at books and resources on careers, the current job market, federal jobs, resume and letter writing, and online presence.
Every day is a new opportunity to explore. Today it was Willamette Writers, Google for teachers, responsibilities of a copy editor,and the Loaf Tour blog. I continue to trust that this labyrinth of self study the Lord has me winding through will lead to joy beyond my vision. I pray, I trust, I keep the faith.
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